Things To Do On A Lazy Weekend

How To Be A Couch Potato And Enjoy Every Lazy Moment

How do you usually spend your weekends? If you’re anything like us, it’s a whirlwind of housework, catching up with odd jobs around the house, shopping and socialising, with little time to even draw breath.


Here at Gifts Australia, the past few weekends have been blissful. We’ve been experimenting with doing absolutely nothing. Yes, that’s right! No work or jobs scheduled in, nowhere to rush off to, no visitors, and no spending money at the shops. Instead, we’ve enjoyed being the ultimate couch potatoes, having quality time at home, and revelling in the space to do our own thing. 


Now, we know being active and getting out of the house is part of staying healthy. But there's a lot to be said for taking it easy and indulging in some me time or little gifts for self care or relaxation. A great lazy afternoon or weekend has health benefits, too, so don’t feel guilty. Give yourself a break, revel in the opportunity and thoroughly enjoy it! 


10 Ways To Enjoy A Guilt-free Relaxing Weekend At Home 

While it can feel weird to leave the house in disarray and not have any plans, a lazy weekend is a perfect solution to a stressful week. You really don’t need to justify joy and relaxation. When you’re well-rested, you’re emotionally sharper and mentally and physically healthier. If you've run out of spoons, designating a lazy weekend for yourself means you can totally relax and start to focus on thriving, not surviving. Complete downtime as a couch potato is vital for staying motivated, energetic, and in love with life. 


So, here are some fun ways we’ve all enjoyed our lazy days! 


1. Sleeping in

This is top of the agenda, as there’s nothing better than extra shuteye. Roll over, stretch out and chill. It feels amazing. A lazy weekend calls for no alarms and then relaxing in your favourite pyjamas and cosy socks for as long as you want. Cook a delicious buffet brunch and play games with the family. One of the greatest things about the weekend is not getting dressed! 

sleep well set with eyemask

2. Basking in bed

Don’t let normality dictate that you have to get up at all, especially if you’re alone. Prepare your favourite fancy breakfast and take it back to the snuggly comfort of your bed. Sip coffee while unwinding and savouring the rays of sunshine or a beautiful view. Watch old movies or funny cartoons, do mind games, quizzes or puzzles, and only get up when you’re hungry again. 


breakfast in bed tray


3. Binge watching TV

If you spend most of the week with only one eye on the television and can never finish watching anything, now’s your big chance. Get those sofa cushions plumped up and a steady stream of tasty snacks and drinks on the go. Catch up with all your top TV programmes and any series that you missed. Binge watch to your heart’s content, and don’t be ashamed to admit it! A handy couch-side or bed-side organiser is a cool idea if you're someone who likes to regularly laze the day away watching TV in bed!


bedside organiser


4. Shaking our booty

Whether you like your exercise chilled out and relaxed, or high intensity, cranking up the volume of your favourite tunes and singing along while cooking or exercising is a great way to escape. Of course, a gentle all-over body stretch with yoga or pilates is wonderful for clearing your mind and managing stress, but it’s also fun to dance till your legs go numb. You’ll burn those calories, relieve stress, and boost your energy levels. Not to mention working up a good appetite for the next mouth-watering feast. 


sports gift ideas


5. Being pampered

Everyone benefits from some luxury and pampering to soothe the mind, body, and soul. Treat yourself to some lush little gifts for couch potatoes. Anything from a rich bubble bath soak to an indulgent pamper hamper of skincare goodies will always be refreshing and rejuvenating. Take some ‘you time’ to enjoy and then head back to your cosy sofa. Because you thoroughly deserve it. 


relaxation hamper


6. Getting lost in books

Most of us would love to have the time to really get lost in a great book. They are so much more than just enjoyment, and lazy weekends are the perfect opportunity. Curl up with your favourite author and escape from daily stress for hours. Browse a world of new sports books and sports biographies, armchair travel adventures, comedy, or discover some new hobbies to indulge in. 

armchair travel book

7. Playing competitive games

Traditional board and card games are another excellent way to spend time on your lazy weekend. They’re exciting, strategic, and addictive fun for all the family. Normally reserved for special occasions, now’s the time for some marathon sessions. If you’re enjoying days alone, then the latest video games and retro arcade games are a nostalgic and classic challenge.  


fun games


8. Learning new things

When time stands still for a while, then start something new and invigorating. Exciting things to do at home this weekend could open up a world of new possibilities and keep you completely focussed and occupied. Start a collection, learn to play acoustic guitar with online lessons or expand your skill set. You can never have enough interests, pastimes and hobbies in this life. 


get creative with new things to do


9. Planning the future

Planning the following week’s ‘to do’ list is no fun at all, but how about a new adventure? Order a picnic food hamper and cover the table with maps, brochures, notes and pictures. It could be as simple as a day hiking or as exciting as an epic holiday to strike off your bucket list. While you’re wallowing in your leisure time at home, it’s fab to daydream about the great outdoors!  


walks in nature


10. Enjoying evenings outside

Whatever the weather, there’s something relaxing and peaceful about finishing the day outside. Breathe in that cool, fresh air, pour yourself a nice long drink and admire the setting sun. Snuggle in a cosy blanket or light the fire pit if it’s chilly. It’s even more beautiful to watch the falling rain. As the seasons gently change, it’s always the perfect way to end your lazy days. 


outdoor picnic gifts


Embrace Your Inner Laziness With Gifts Australia

Is it ok to have a lazy weekend whenever you want? Well, of course, our vote is a resounding yes! Sometimes, revelling in a couple of duvet days or doing what you want at home is precisely what the doctor ordered. That’s why you’ll find a host of fun gifts for lazy people and innovative stress relief gifts to brighten up every couch potato's life. Taking time out will energise your mind and body and motivate you to face the challenges of a new week. Seize the opportunity every weekend to recharge with the perfect activity to refresh mind and body, even if that means doing nothing!




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