The Best Educational Toys For Kids Of All Ages

Learning can be fun for little ones!
Toys can be a fantastic gifting option when you're shopping online for children's gifts. They're fun, adorable and bound to be a success with your little recipient! But with all the endless options out there, how can you be sure you're choosing the right gift? A child’s development is important, so take a little time to think about the toy you are choosing for them. Educational gift ideas can contribute to helping with hand-eye coordination, motor skills and problem-solving skills.
Toys help children develop social learning skills, express creativity, nurture their imagination, and learn how to share. They can even help with conflict resolution! To choose a toy that will not only delight a child but also contribute to their development, read on. We've chosen our favourite educational toys for little ones of all ages.
Toys for babies
Play is essential to a baby's overall development. That's right—all those cuddles, smiles, tickles, and songs are helping them grow! This also extends to bub's toy collection. Here at Gifts Australia, we have a range of textured and soft toys that are perfect for tiny humans. One of our favourites is this fabulous Sophie La Giraffe Teething Trio. It not only soothes baby's sore gums but the adorable squeaky toy stimulates all of baby's senses for a wonderful educational toy for newborns.
Soft books are also fabulous gifts for the littlest humans. They can discover the joy of storytime in a way that engages and stimulates their minds. This sweet Night Night Peter Rabbit Cloth Book has a soft cover and fantastic crinkly pages. Introduce bub to the magic of an age-old favourite, Peter Rabbit and his adventuring friends. This is our favourite age to introduce fun toys, so we have a whole range of adorable soft toys and teddies in our range of baby gifts online.
Toys for toddlers
These little rugrats are inquisitive and curious. Everything is interesting to a child at this age! They especially like noises: drums, pianos, pots, pans and more! Their tunes might not sound like what we hear on the radio, but they sure are creative. We have a selection of musical toys that will fascinate your budding musician.
It’s never too soon to introduce your little ones to their ABCs (while making it fun of course, of course). Take a look at the colourful Magnificent World Of ABCs Magnet Set as they play with animal and letter magnets. This playtime favourite can help hone their fine motor skills, too! Another engaging option is the Safari Wood Puzzle & Play Set. These are wooden blocks that children will have hours of fun with. It's interactive, fun, and encourages logical thinking.
Reading is particularly important to this age group. Choose a popular classic like The Very Hungry Caterpillar, a fun interactive story for kids to enjoy. Bathtime books are also a great way to play and read with kids, as are bathtime toys that encourage dexterity and hand-eye coordination.
Toys for children aged 5-7 years
At this age toys and games are about encouraging creativity, curiosity, and further developing social skills. That can all be achieved in a fun way. Gifts Australia has age-related sections for both boys and girls. Here, you can find fun games that they can play with each other and friends or toys that educate when playing on their own. Choose from a Hoppit Bounce Seat or chess for beginners to games that introduce them to the world around them, like an inflatable world globe.
Maths and science can also be introduced in a fun way with educational toys. Creative fun can be had with a range of construction kits like the Strawbees Maker Kit. The set includes connectors, construction straws and instructions for sixteen different projects. Introducing science in a fun way can also encourage problem-solving skills, like sustainability and outdoor nature activities with the Back To Nature Outdoor Activity Set.
Toys for children aged 8+
Stimulating a love of science technology engineering and math can be done through play from an early age, but this age group can benefit from some of the STEM learning toys that are both educational and fun. Explore the range of our most popular sellers for girl toys ages 7 to 12, or the top sellers chosen for boys toys ages 7 to 12. For our recommendations, take a look at:
The Snaps Circuits For Beginners gets kids started in electronics.
The Generator Creator Kit levels up their learning by building a DIY electricity machine.
The Airboat Clip Circuit Kit helps them build a working boat for hours of fun.
The Wild Science! Crystal Geode Factory helps kids create three kinds of crystals.
The Fidget Digit Multiplication Machine By Smartivity makes maths fun.
Give the gift of education
If you're looking for the ideal gift that kids will love and parents will approve of, an educational game will cover all your bases! For a vast range of toys for babies and kids, browse the collection online at Gifts Australia. Your gift will be beloved for many years to come.