Creative Ways To Fill A Blank Notebook

Our Favourite Creative Journaling Ideas

Are you addicted to notebooks of every style, shape and size? There’s certainly something magical about those beautifully designed covers and beckoning blank pages. Do you see a blank notebook you love, treat yourself, and then add it to the pile with no idea what you’ll use it for? Welcome to the club! Books and stationery are addictive!


Filling up those aesthetic notebooks can be even more gratifying than buying them. So, let’s explore the many enjoyable ways to use your pretty notebooks, so you’re delighted with the result. From daily journaling to mind-mapping, sketchnoting, design planning, or a doodle every day, there are so many ways to fill a blank journal. 


What are the different types of notebooks and journals?

There’s a whole world of inspiring journals and pretty notebooks out there to feed your creativity. While notebooks are usually used for notetaking and journals for journaling, there’s nothing to say you can’t shake it up a bit. Here are just some of the perfect journals and different types of notebooks to record your thoughts.  


Spiral ‎Notebooks

Easy to flip open, the all-around trusty notebook is perfect for jotting down lists, notes, things to remember, random musings and last-minute ideas. 


Daily Journals

These journals are a practical way to stay organised and are ideal for thoughts or records you want to keep every day. Write down your daily goals, stresses, achievements or things you're grateful for. 


‎Bullet Journals

A bullet journal can help you keep track of everything using bullets and different symbols. Track your appointments, tasks and things to do all in one handy place.



Totally versatile, a notepad can be used for just about anything, from planning your life and jotting down ideas to doodles or creative sketches. 


Composition Notebooks

A composition notebook is generally grid-ruled and the perfect place for lists, graphs, maps, your favourite recipes or noting down story ideas. 



These are generally used for recording your life experiences and personal thoughts and interests. You can write and illustrate as much as you like! 


Blank Notebooks

A hardcover blank journal or notebook with no lines is totally flexible and works well with creative projects, illustrated journaling and informal writing. These are often the best notebooks for journaling.


Keepsake Dusty Pink A6 Gold-Edged Notebook


Lined Journals

With lines printed on every page, these help you write in straight lines and are great for notes, writing poetry and essays and all types of creative journaling.  



An empty sketchbook is a canvas designed for experimentation and works with different media from charcoal and crayons to watercolours and paints. 


Doodling Books

These are a fabulous way to have fun and unleash your creativity. Fill them with pencil sketches, drawings, visual thoughts and other doodles every day! 



A good planner journal can simplify planning at work and home and help with time management in all the important areas of your life. 


How do I make my notebook look aesthetic?

Customising your notebook or journal can add an extra element of fun and produce an aesthetic journal cover you love. With a little creativity and a few artistic details, you can turn the cover of your notebook into your very own mood board. 


  • Add a lovely collage of favourite photos, cuttings or pictures

  • Draw your own design with pencil sketches or water paints

  • Cover it with beautiful paper, glitter or cool, colourful stickers

  • Create borders with contrasting silky ribbons or washi tape

  • Choose self-adhesive or iron-on trendy vinyl transfers

  • Use fun chalkboard paint and special chalkboard markers

  • Add embroidery, handmade bookmarks or a handy pen holder  


What should I fill my journal with?

When you get the urge to write, pull out those beautiful writing journals and get started. The possibilities abound! Our suggestions for journal notebook ideas are sure to get your creative juices flowing. 


Arty Journal

Your empty journal notebook is the perfect place to jot down poetry and song lyrics, creative art projects or favourite pictures and provides a neat place to store everything.


Vision Journal

This is a great way to stay motivated and keep track of your dreams and life goals. You can track your progress over time, stay focused and celebrate your achievements! 


Optimism Journal

Use your journal to achieve daily happiness by expressing gratitude and seeking inspiration. Write about how you feel and jot down positive thoughts for the future. 


Travel Journal

If you love adventure, this is a super way to record your travels in an informal way. You can have one for each trip and fill it with notes, photos and beautiful small mementos.


Memory Journal

Creating a visual memory book or bullet journal is a lovely idea for any special event or milestone occasion. Decorate the cover and fill it with photos, captions and quotes! 


Keepsake Cocao Brown A6 Gold-Edged Notebook


How do I fill a blank notebook?

Don’t waste those beautiful blank notebooks! You can use them to bullet journal, make lists, plan your future, and just about anything else. Here are just a few practical and fun ways to fill a notebook and put those pages to good use. 


Pen Short Stories

The best notebooks for journaling encourage you to write, and short stories are great fun. Let your imagination run wild and practise your storytelling skills or tell fantasy tales!


Create Mood Boards

Cute notebook ideas include recording your daily moods by using words, quotes, doodles or pictures in any combination. Whether sad, excited or happy, fill those blank pages!


Practise Lettering Doodles

Aesthetic notebook writing can also be about artistry, so boost your skills with lettering practice. Create new stylish fonts and fill your pages with cool words and phrases. 


Track Your Fitness

For fitness fans, a blank notebook is an invitation to good health. Track your habits, food and water intake, jogging routes, and exercise goals and keep yourself motivated every day. 


Mealtime Recipe Planning

A blank notebook is a great way to store all your most-used recipes and those to try. It will help plan menus and snacks and ensures you have all the ingredients for that smoothie. 


Business Goal Notes

For those needing a work focus, get writing essential business plans and marketing strategies. You can also keep track of budgets and those vital creative business thoughts. 


Your Favourites Things

A special notebook for inspiration, record all your favourite books, quotes, music, songs or TV series. It’s a great way to remember things and reflect on your fondest memories.


Hobby & Pastime Ideas

Lifestyle notebooks are perfect for documenting your hobbies, projects or event planning. You can illustrate pages with pictures and doodles or add stickers for some extra fun.

One Of A Kind, A Guided Journal

Beautiful Journals & Notebooks For Your Collection

With all these creative journaling ideas, maybe you’re searching for some new blank aesthetic notebooks to gift to loved ones. Or perhaps you’re inspired to start incorporating a new journaling idea into your daily life. Whether you’re searching for pretty notebooks or the best books for journaling, browse the wonderful collection of favourites at Gifts Australia. We have a range of books and stationary including guided journals, and blank notebooks. Plus, we have coloured pens and other art and craft supplies to inspire you.  


‘There was something very comforting in having plenty of stationery.’  - Charles Dickens - Great Expectations.


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